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Fort Miro Chapter, NSDAR

Located in Monroe, Louisiana
Chapter Meetings - Third Monday of the month
Meeting Time - 4 p.m.

The Fort Miro Chapter, NSDAR, was founded on February 7, 1914, by Organizing Regent Mae Fontain Surghnor.  The chapter was named for the fort established by Don Estevan Miro.  In 1783 Governor Miro appointed Don Juan Filhiol to command the Ouachita District of Louisiana, and in 1785 Ouachita Post, subsequently Fort Miro was built for the protection of the inhabitants and named in honor of the governor.  From the early days of its activities, the Fort Miro Chapter, NSDAR, began to preserve important links with the history of the area.  In 1919 the chapter obtained from the Ouachita Parish Police Jury the small stucco to use as a chapter house.  The chapter house is no longer in use.  Some historical markers sponsored by the chapter include 900 South Grand next to the Ouachita Levee, two marble benches placed at the former chapter house, Pargroud Boulevard and Stuart Avenue, 436 South Grand near Ouachita River as well as monuments at Monroe City Hall to honor soldiers who died in Word War II, Vietnam, and the Korean War. 

The Fort Miro Chapter, NSDAR, celebrates Constitution Week every September, Veterans Day every November, each December and February a luncheon is held at the Bayou DeSiard Country Club with an emphasis on George Washington in February, and every May the chapter meets to lay wreaths at the World War II, Korean, and Vietnam monuments erected at the Monroe City Hall.  We encourage participation in DAR’s American History essay contest and DAR Good Citizens Awards for school-age children.  Members also participate in preserving genealogical and historical documents. 

The Fort Miro Chapter, NSDAR, is dedicated to keeping its members engaged by offering in-person and virtual options for its meetings as well as a newsletter that is emailed monthly.  This chapter has trained members who can assist you with your lineage research and the application process in your journey to becoming a member. 

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Contact the LSDAR Webmaster  |  Last Updated February 22, 2025

Unless otherwise noted, photos on this website are courtesy of LSDAR chapters.

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